

Cheat-sheet (Getting Started with Python)

Congratulations! You have completed this section!

Here is a summary of what you learned in this section:

  • A Python program in Visual Studio Code can be executed using either (1) by pressing the run button or (2) by executing the commands below in the terminal:

    py -3.9 (Windows)

    python3.9 (Mac and Linux)

    Note: You may need to replace 3.9 with the Python version you are using.

  • A Python shell can be started by executing the command below in the terminal:

    py -3.9 (Windows)

    python3.9 (Mac and Linux)

    Note: You may need to replace 3.9 with the Python version you are using.

  • You can use the Python print() function to print out output in the terminal.

  • Variables are names that reference objects. They make the code more readable and allow the objects they refer to be easily reused inside a program.   


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